Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bespoked gift for Maggie

Today I'd like to show you the gift I made for Maggie. It was my friend Kamila (hereinafter reffered to as: "Sokół" ;-) who asked me to do the gift. And she wanted to have a huge impact on what it would be done of. So at the begging we (read: mostle she ;-) have picked some fabrics from Craftfabric Store. Sokół choose the Cats, so the rest part of the gift had to be adjusted to the Cats...

My dearest Sokół was the first beneficiary of the kitchen apron and other kittchen accesories (see them here), and she loved it so much (I guess ;-) that she asked for a similiar one for Maggie.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Skoro już o dostawach mowa, to przyszły do mnie ostatnimi czasy również przepiękne tkaniny. Są już pomysły, jak je wykorzystać, skroić i połączyć. Będą prezenty, pierwsze zamówienia i małe co nieco do szuflady :-)

Dotarły wzory od Michaela Millera i Roberta Kaufmana. Przepiękne, wzorzyste, kolorowe, słowem - bajka...

Accesories from Scandi Loft

Not so long ago I have received the package from Scandi Loft.  There wasn't a good occasion before to show it to you. And it is worth it! It was my first order, but well aimed in 100 % I do reccomend!
Here is a sneak peek of what you may find in a package from Pomerania :-)